North Yorkshire Moors Railway, NYMR, bicentenary: 200 years of steam engines

In june 2004 we where with Totaltrain in York for the bicentenary Steamfestival, 200 years of steam engines in the National Britisch Railway museum. Also we visited the Keigley & Worth Valley Railway and the North York Moors Railway (fameus for the Harry Potter train....)

At this page you see the pictures of the North York Moors Railway.

We have today the Br Standard Class 4MT 2-6-4T No. 80135

Nice view

Almost in Grosmont seeing the 45-TON Rail Crane ADE 330102

And the Southern railway School class 4-4-0 No. 30926 Repton

The other side

The other steamengine haves some problems so the
BR Class 24 Bo-Bo DE No. D5061 gives a helping hand

Next: More pictures of the North York Moors Railway