juinen treinbaan

Welcome at the modelrailway of Juinen

Juinen is a famous village in the Netherlands that not really excists .So i have made it for "real" in 1/87. Its in Dutch style but i use also some foreign trains becouse its difficult to have a lot of Dutch trains. There are not many of them in the market. For the modern times i have Dutch trains from Roco,Fleischmann,Marklin,Trix,Rivarossi,and Lima . And for steam i have steamengines from Bachman,Dapol and Liliput. To have 100% Dutch steamengines i have Steamengines from Modelloco and Philotrain. I use houses of Hollandscale,Faller,Pola,Vollmer and Kibri

little Pictures of Juinen

Bigger pictures of Juinen

Some pictures of handmate Dutch 1/87 material

Some pictures of the rest of my collection

Pictures of modeltrains
from other people

Movies of my modeltrains